Experience personal stories woven into our workday reflections, newsletters, videos and other online resources. These resources give living examples of the life of Christ in action.
Spark™: Workday Reflections Emails

Each workday we send out an email to anyone who asks. These Christian reflections may include a scripture applied to a workplace issue, or first-hand testimonies of how another Christian deals with a particular challenge in his or her workplace. These reflections will help you gain greater understanding of how you can be Christ in your workplace.
The Flame™: Monthly Newsletter

Every month, the Flame Newsletter provides weekly reflections, insights through testimonies, stories and reflections on living a life of faith in the workplace. It is filled with firsthand, practical stories about and from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It also provides updates, news and future events happening at WorkLight.
Other Resources
Our resources were designed especially to equip you and your group to work towards this mission, by hosting meaningful programs, inspiring events, encouraging materials and so much more!
Toolkits for Hosting Events
Interested in hosting an event? Learn more about our toolkits that will help you do just that.
Click here to view our event toolkitsStay Connected
Receive our Spark workday email series, our monthly Flame Newsletter, and stay informed of upcoming events and other announcements! (We encourage you to select all three!)