The Flame™: Newsletter

Each month, the Flame Newsletter provides weekly reflections, insights through testimony, and stories on living a life of faith in the workplace. It is filled with firsthand, practical stories about and from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

To receive a complementary mailed copy each month, simply e-mail with your name and address.

July 2020: God Moves Mountains

The July 2020 Issue of The Flame examines Living in the Present Moment. One writer shares how the pandemic provided opportunities for some business owners to step back, reflect and reassess in a way that would not have been feasible prior to the pandemic. A nurse describes how when she gave up her job to relocate with her new husband, she was surprised to find another way to live her vocation by mentoring nursing students. Another shares how his successful business encountered significant legal problems and he was able–through the grace of God and others–to make a course correction and become a witness to others.

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June 2020: Quiet Intercession

In the June 2020 issue of The Flame we examines The Holy Spirit at Work. One writer shares how the pandemic left her to pray for students and their families in a specific way. Another writer shares how the Holy Spirit helped provide an opportunity for an adult student and a tutor to support each other.

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May 2020: Seeing Things Differently

In the May 2020 issue of The Flame we examine Working Through a Pandemic. We reached out to writers to share their experiences of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect it has had on their lives. An emergency room nurse shares her experience on the front lines as she works to bring peace to her team. Others share their experiences of the challenges and graces they encountered while working from home.

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April 2020: Given and Forgiven

The April 2020 issue of The Flame examines the Gift of Mercy. A social worker shares how she benefited when a coworker treated her with mercy when she struggled to learn a new process. We also highlight one of our Annual Conference presenters who encourages mercy regularly in his job as a police sergeant who once focused on the capture of sex traffickers and now works with the homeless population. Another describes the challenges and rewards of caring for elderly parents.

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March 2020: A Fresh Start

The March 2020 issue of The Flame examines the Fruit of Good Communication which requires us to have a willingness to listen and learn to be open to God’s voice and guidance. One contributor shares how a cancer diagnosis turns out to be a blessing and the start of a new career. Another tells about the perils of gossip and how communication demands a tender spirit of love. And we introduce our new president, Wesley Farrow. 

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February 2020: Comforting the Distressed

The February 2020 issue of The Flame examines being Good and Faithful Stewards. One contributor tells about a concert experience where the performer, who had a long career and was well beyond his prime, was still adored by the crowd. Another shares the challenges of dealing with a client who did not act or communicate in good faith. And a board member describes the fruit of a recent WorkLight road trip as he visited chapters in Arizona and California

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January 2020: Wrestling with God

The January 2020 issue of The Flame examines Refocusing Our Vision. Contributors share the importance of not only listening to God’s call but responding to it and the unexpected gifts that can come from giving someone your full attention when they need to be heard.

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