The Flame™: Newsletter

Each month, the Flame Newsletter provides weekly reflections, insights through testimony, and stories on living a life of faith in the workplace. It is filled with firsthand, practical stories about and from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

To receive a complementary mailed copy each month, simply e-mail with your name and address.

July 2022: Building Good Relationships

A core value of WorkLight is building strong brotherhood and sisterhood in our relationships and workplaces. Our writers share stories about bringing the life of Christ to each other as they “love one another, deeply from the heart.” (1 Peter 1:22). When this happens, Christ’s love pours out through us and impacts others around us in profound ways.

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June 2022: Perseverance

When things get tough, we must persevere. It takes effort and persistence to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Writers share the gifts they experience from enduring. A feature article shares Jesus’ blueprint for sharing the Good News.

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May 2022: Fostering a Kingdom Culture

DKY is a marketing agency that is intentional about Fostering the Kingdom Culture as they work together. Partners and employees share their perspectives based on focusing on the fruit of the Spirit. In addition, this issue also explores connecting God and work, as well as another writer, wondering like the young man, “what do I lack” in his company.

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April 2022: Encouraging One Another

Writers share stories and insight into the key role that encouragement plays in enabling them to persevere in being Christ in their workplaces. A South Bend Small Group shares what makes it work well and our president shares about his first Challenge Weekend experience.

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March 2022: Avoiding the Spirit of the World

The March issue explores our call to avoid the spirit of the world by being poor in spirit. Writers of our reflections emphasize the offensive nature of this call by sharing experiences on the simple life, a new heart, being a coworker with Christ and answering two key questions. The issue includes news on 2022 priorities and activities within the WorkLight community.

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February 2022: Good and Faithful Stewards

February’s issue underscores our call to be “Good and Faithful Stewards”. A business owner’s injury opens the door for employees to be more engaged. Reflection writers share about being steadfast during times of spiritual dryness, showing gratitude for God’s creation, letting experience create new talents, and stewardship with Moxie. A business owner fosters creativity during the pandemic shutdown.

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January 2022: Finding God’s Purpose at Work

January’s issue explores “Finding God’s Purpose at Work”. A Challenge Weekend inspires a lawyer to keep on working. Reflections share about supporting each other in tough times, others find meaning and purpose in a distinctive work culture, taking advantage of new opportunities, and learning to make every encounter count.  

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December 2021: Radiating Christ

December 2021 examines the theme Radiating Christ. When a young family member suddenly becomes paralyzed, sisters realize God has been preparing them for decades to care for her. A contributor shares the power of presence and prayers in disasters, another tells the impact of a translator’s love and compassion during chemotherapy, a transportation manager learns a lesson when a determined driver comes to his aid, and another shares how coworkers band together to bring out the best during the COVID crisis.

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November 2021: Fostering a Culture of Generosity

In the November 2021 issue we examine Fostering a Culture of Generosity. An owner of an agency specializing in insights and strategy reveals his pride in his team for remaining close throughout the pandemic and how God guided him to release control rather than micromanage his team. A contributor shares how during a time of unemployment, she followed the encouragement of the Holy Spirit to be more generous with her time, talent, and treasure.

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October 2021: Serving Others

In the October 2021 issue we examine Serving Others. Helping with his son’s condo conversion, one writer shares how at the start of the project he experienced frustration with store inventory and staff. When he prayed to see the employees through the Lord’s eyes, his whole attitude adjusted to one of patience and acceptance. A doula finds that when caring for new mothers and their babies it helps to keep her heart and mind open for the Lord to show her the way. A Sunday afternoon encounter with a sweet soul in a park gave one overworked couple just the refreshment they needed. Addressing technology issues with an elderly client, a mental health therapist discovered that comfort can come in unexpected ways. 

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