Who We Are
We are sisters and brothers in Christ seeking to build God’s Kingdom in our workplaces through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you want to shine brighter for Christ at work, join us.
Get Involved
WorkLight has many opportunities and resources to help you shine for Christ at work. Here are three core ways we live out the heart of WorkLight’s mission:

WorkLight Challenge Weekends
Experience the love of God through Jesus Christ. A life bringing faith, integrity, and excellence to the workplace. A life that is transformed.

WorkLight Small Groups
Build relationships and experience discipleship in a supportive small group setting – all centered on shining bright for Christ at work.

WorkLight Resources
Subscribe and engage with thoughtful, biblical content designed to encourage, equip and inspire Christians to shine for Christ at work.
Are You A WorkLight Igniter?
In Matthew 28, Jesus’ final command on earth to his followers was to make disciples everywhere. This includes our work lives. And in James 1:22, the Apostle Paul implores us to not merely listen to God’s word, but to do what it says. WorkLight Igniters are motivated by:
Are you tired of status quo-Christianity and want to go all in?
Do you long to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit at work?
Are you ready to discover the fullness of God’s purpose for you at work?