Fallbrook, CA – Men’s Chapter – Virtual
Via Zoom (Monterey, CA) CA, United StatesWeekly Meetings: Our meetings remain on Zoom. Every Tuesday, 7:30 am Pacific Time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83369075605?pwd=cW5IY3ZVK2Q3L2JXQ0dsejg2Tm5kZz09
Weekly Meetings: Our meetings remain on Zoom. Every Tuesday, 7:30 am Pacific Time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83369075605?pwd=cW5IY3ZVK2Q3L2JXQ0dsejg2Tm5kZz09
Weekly meetings: The Monterey men's chapter meets via zoom on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am. We will soon be meeting in person once a location has been decided upon.