WorkLight Small Groups
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.”
— Psalm 133:1
WorkLight Small Groups unite brothers and sisters in Christ to build God’s Kingdom in the workplace. Is your heart open to being filled with the Holy Spirit? Together we can support and challenge one another to bring the presence of Jesus into all we do.
Why Small Groups?
Work can be hard. Expanding God’s Kingdom can seem even harder. But all things are possible through Jesus Christ. Learn to live a life powered by the Holy Spirit. Experience growth, purpose, and community through:
Bearing One
Another’s Burdens
Encouraging Each
Other to Shine
Sharing Stories of
Christ at Work
Fostering the Kingdom
of God Together
Praying With and
for Each Other
Spurring Others to
Love and Good Deeds
Find a WorkLight Group Near You
WorkLight Small Groups and Chapters may already be in place in your community. To learn more visit the WorkLight events calendar.
Events Calendar >Can’t Find a WorkLight Small Group? Start One.
The harvest is ready but the workers are few. If you’d like to start a WorkLight Small Group in your area, we have ready-made resources and people that can help you get started. Available materials include: