Coming Alongside

middle age man wearing glasses

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

By Tom Peterson

While my wife was pregnant with our first child, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease. Suddenly, the typical anxiety of a first birth went to a new level. Our prayers for health and safety for my wife and our child increased in scope and intensity.

Our prayers for our daughter were answered with her healthy birth. But that joy was tempered as my wife began chemotherapy the very next day.

While my wife was struggling as a new mother while undergoing intense medical treatment, I was struggling to be a caregiver and caring new father, while still trying to be a faithful employee at work.

God continued to answer prayers by providing skilled medical professionals, supportive family members, and a generous church family that cooked meals and provided childcare.

But perhaps the greatest blessing came in the outreach from my coworkers.

My colleagues eagerly asked me to bring our infant daughter to work when my wife needed rest so they could get a “baby fix” in the midst of their workdays. I still smile thinking of my boss holding my daughter during a conference call, paying more attention to the baby than the conversation.

A particularly powerful experience came the day a man I had never met came into my cubicle. He explained that his wife had been treated for breast cancer and how others had come alongside him during his most challenging days. He wanted to do the same for me. I was overwhelmed by his compassion and his generosity to guide me through my journey. 

Many years later, I am grateful for the healing God provided, allowing my wife to be cancer free for years. I am also grateful for the “healing” I received, having a coworker with the courage to push his way into my life to minister to me in a way that was so personal, gracious, and hopeful.

One thought on “Coming Alongside

  1. Thanks for sharing this story, Tom. So many are quietly fighting great battles that we don’t know about. May God help us to be more open to both give and receive support in our hour of need. And may the light of Jesus shine brightly as a result!

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