But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Humility at Work
Many of us seek to be humble in our lives. But have you ever thought about the work of humility? Humility is not the absence of action, it is a Christ-like way of action. Humility doesn’t keep you on the sidelines, it puts you squarely in the middle of the game. Humility works harder than we realize.
Seeking first the Kingdom of God is humble work. In response to such a calling, WorkLight traces its roots to our first-ever Challenge Weekend in 1983. Sure, a lot has changed since the early 1980s. But Christian humility has never stopped working to put His Kingdom first in our lives.
As we prepare for our first ever Hybrid Annual Conference, local venues are being secured, speakers are preparing their stories, technology’s being calibrated, and brothers and sisters are inviting friends new and old to join this movement of the Holy Spirit.
Meanwhile, chapters across the country are beginning to meet again in person with support of the updated Chapter toolkit. Board and staff alike are on fire for the return of the Challenge Weekend! We pray that you will download the toolkit and answer the call to calendar at least 10 Challenge Weekends before the end of 2021.
Lord Jesus, be with us all as we gather face-to-face and screen-to-screen from coast-to-coast to reunite in your Holy Name. Help us to witness the power of Christian humility as we get back to basics at our Annual Conference gatherings, in chapters and small groups, and on Challenge Weekends. Let us indeed seek first the Kingdom of God.
With you in Christ,