Host an Event

Spread the Light

Are you a Christian business owner, active member of a church or other Christian network, or simply an individual who wants Christ to shine brighter in workplaces across the world? Consider hosting a WorkLight event or group in your community.

We provide high quality videos, discussion group materials, and event planning guides: you provide hearts hungry for more! With your talent, heart of service, and knowledge of your local community, you can team up with WorkLight to spread “the light of the world” (John 8:12).

Submit your event

Use the form to add your event. Event submissions will be sent to WorkLight for approval. WorkLight will follow up with you for any missing information or questions.

Event Details

Enter your Event Title and Description

Event Date/Time

Enter your Event’s Date and Time.

  • For Small Groups and other recurring events, click “Schedule Multiple Events” to select your event frequency (i.e. – Weekly on Mondays).
  • Select “Never” for the end of your event series, unless your group has a scheduled final meeting.

Event Image

Add and Event Image for your event.

Event Category

Select the appropriate category for your event (Small Group, Challenge Weekend, Working for Our Father Series or WorkLight StoryNight).

Event Location

Type your Venue name and click “Create: Your Venue” to include location details. (Or if this isn’t your first event, select your venue from the list.)

Event Organizer (Contact)

Type your Event Organizer name and click “Create: Your Name” to include organizer details. (This information could be used for contact info for the event. If this isn’t your first event, you can select your Organizer from the list.)

Event Website

Enter a URL if your event/group has a website with more information, or enter a Zoom (etc) link for virtual events.